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Course offerings


According to recent research, 60% of first-time managers say they never received any training when they started in their new role. Whether you wish to improve your leadership skills, build stronger relationships with your team or better understand what it takes to be a successful first-time leader, my programs have it all. Here is where you can reset when you're stuck in a challenging leadership situation, reclaim your management superpowers, get new input and fresh ideas, and reflect for a moment on who you want to be as a leader and what it takes to be a good leader. This will make you more confident and productive in your new role. It's normal to feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension as you transition from simply being a team member to managing a group of people. But don't worry, I'm here to serve as your compass and guide you through this daunting experience.

Wachse und enfalte dich in deiner neuen Rolle als Führungskraft

Den Überblick über alles zu behalten, was du als Führungskraft bedenken musst, kann überwältigend sein.


Ich möchte dir mit diesen praktischen Werkzeugen und Ressourcen helfen, damit du rasch deine Ziele erreichen und deine Fähigkeiten verbessern kannst. 


Finde hier eine Fülle hilfreicher Inhalte, darunter Pocket Guides, Checklisten, und ein Kurs, der dir hilft, von Anfang an den Übergang von Teammitglied zur Führungskraft besser zu meistern und deine Aufgaben und Rollen effizienter und effektiver zu bewältigen. 


The Kickstarter Program for first-time manager

With the Kickstarter Program you get the introduction to leadership so that you can make the transition from being a co-worker to a manager as smooth as possible and thus become a successful manager

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